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 \__,_| \___/ |_|   |_|\_\|_.__/  \___/  \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| \__,_| \___/ |_| |_| #98
             "people doing strange things with electricity" since 2001
When:  19:30-23:00, Thu Dec 19 2019
Where: The Boxing Club, Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, E14 7HA
       (directions below)

It's Christmas, so time for an extra special Dorkbot - we'll have talks,
music, and a bar.

Free entry, no registration required. Talks start 7.30pm, doors from
6.45pm. We'll probably run later than a regular Dorkbot.

Please feel free to bring interesting things along to show others - things
you've built, things to play, or curiosities to discuss.

Don't forget to attend the Facebook event, join our mailing list,
and follow us on Twitter.

With short talks from...

==== Natalie Kane ====
"3615 MUSEUM"

Digital design! What the hell is it? And why would a museum be interested in
it? It's pretty important that we try to make sense of how we got here, from
early french sex chat rooms on adorable plastic terminals, to Barbie dolls that
spy on you, to misogynistic computer adverts and 3D printed speculums. Natalie
will take you through the challenges we face in preserving, accessing and
understanding our digital heritage, and there will only be a tiny bit of
theory, promise.

ndkane.com / @nd_kane
==== Jack Armitage ====
"Craft in digital musical instrument design"

Investigations into reframing digital musical instrument design as a tactile
and embodied craft practice.

In this short talk I will review some of my PhD research in the domain of
digital musical instrument design, sometimes known as digital lutherie. Despite
my background in engineering, technology and startups, and my music practice in
live coding, I have spent recent years attempting to deconstruct the
techno-centric perspective that dominates contemporary musical instrument
making. Through interviewing violin luthiers and devising craft workshops for
so-called "digital luthiers", I have been seeking out paths towards tactile and
embodied forms of digital craft, which I recently began referring to as hybrid
lutherie. Right now I am recruiting for my final study, and I will conclude by
offering a preview of the activity involved and invite attendees to participate
in the research.

jackarmitage.com / instrumentslab.org/research/craft / @jdkarmitage
==== Jo Franchetti ====
"Have Yourself a Matrix LED Christmas!"

Frivolous festive fun with winter wearables. Join Jo on an illuminated IoT
adventure through audio recognition, APIs, surprise snakes and some substandard
sewing. Jo is a web developer and hobbyist IoT wearables maker.

medium.com/jofranchetti / @ThisIsJoFrank

And music from...

==== Sarah Angliss ====
Featuring theremin, robotic carillon, GPO telephones, and more.

sarahangliss.com / @sarah_angliss
==== 2xAA ====
Musician, generative & visual artist, and developer Sam Wray will introduce
you to the world of chiptune. Enjoy a live performance of retro-fueled techno.
An exciting musical adventure, featuring the classic power of Nintendo's Game

2xaa.fm / @_2xAA
==== "Synthclub Jam Session" ====
Matthew Yee-King, Mick Grierson and special guests including an "evolvable
modular synth"

* yeeking.net / @myeeking
* mickgrierson.co.uk

==== Drum'n'Drummerer ====
2 drum machines, 1 act. Featuring:

* pixelist.info / @evanraskob
* cassiel.com / @cassieldotcom

==== Visuals by rumblesan ====
* https://rumblesan.com/ / @rumblesan

==== Open dorks/demos: ====
You! Get in touch and let us know if you'd like to give a short five minute
talk on something.

==== Also: ====
* The bar will accept both cash and cards

==== How to get to Limehouse Town Hall: ====

NB: Unfortunately Limehouse Town Hall is not wheelchair accessible as
    there are steps from the street and up to the main hall.

== By Tube: ==
Limehouse DLR from Bank or Tower Gateway

== By Bus: ==
15 from Trafalgar Sq / 115 from Aldgate /
D6 from Hackney / D3 from Bethnal Green

Beware! Google's location for E14 7HA is a bit off, it's actually
opposite where Salmon Lane joins Commercial Road, or in other words...
Get onto Commercial Road and travel East from Aldgate or Whitechapel.
Stay on Commercial Road, passing Limehouse DLR on your right (and going
under a railway bridge) and you'll see a modern red brick church also
on the right, then a boarded up library. Just over the canal you'll see
the Town Hall, with the Limehouse Hawksmoor church behind it, on the
opposite side of the road from the big metal anchor. At this point you
should get off the bus/bicycle and come ring on the "Boxing Club" bell
(The top of the 4 main buttons).

Limehouse Town Hall

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