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             "people doing strange things with electricity" since 2001
When:  19:00-22:30, Mon Feb 27 2017
Where: Room FB03 (Basement Lecture Theatre, see map)
The Royal College of Art, Kensington SW7 2EU, Darwin Building - Jay Mews entrance
       (directions below)

Free entry, no registration required - there's a cafe for refreshments or bring your own!
Talks start 7.00pm, doors open from 6.45pm...

Don't forget - you can also follow us on Twitter:
See who's coming via the Facebook and Meetup pages;

And/or add yourself to the low-volume email announcement list here:
With short talks (each <20 min) and demos from...
==== Charlotte Jarvis ==== http://www.artforeating.co.uk/ Charlotte is an artist who collaborates with scientists. She has put on solo shows
and performances across Europe and the UK and has been Resident artist at a number
of scientific institutions, including the European Bioinformatics Institute, The
Netherlands Proteomics Centre and the Hubrecht Institute. Charlotte teaches at the
Royal College of Art and Imperial College. She is an exoplanet obsessive, lover of
space opera and collector of GMO body parts.

At Dorkbot Charlotte will be talking about making the first piece of music to be
recorded onto DNA (and blowing bubbles with it), and growing her own in vitro tumour
(and failing to eat it).

==== Simon Katan ==== Simon Katan presents Conditional Love, an interactive performance for laptop and all
of your smart phones. This ongoing project, funded by the Austrian Science Board (?),
is a personal reflection on narcissism and social media - more information href="http://bit.ly/1Gb8pUt">here. Simon
is a digital artist and lecturer in Creative Computing at Goldsmiths.

==== Emilie Giles ==== www.emiliegiles.co.uk Emilie will discuss her PhD work around working with blind and visually impaired
people using e-textiles. She has been exploring how participants connect personal
memories and associations to the specific textures of textiles and how this can be
used to create a soft, interactive object.

==== Dani Clode ==== http://daniclodedesign.com/ https://www.instagram.com/daninkx/ The Third Thumb Project is an exploration of prosthetics through human extension. It
enables a better understanding of controlling and connecting prosthetic technology to
the body through a hands on experience.

Dani Clode is a product designer and maker from New Zealand, living in London and
currently in the final year of a Design Products MA at the Royal College of Art.

==== Open dorks/demos: ==== None yet...
(&...perhaps you?)
Room FB03 (Basement Lecture Theatre, see map)
The Royal College of Art, Kensington SW7 2EU, Darwin Building - Jay Mews entrance

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