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"people doing strange things with electricity" since 2001
When: 19:00-22:30, Mon Dec 15 2014
Where: The Boxing Club, Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, E14 7HA
(directions below)
=== It's the much awaited...
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A festive Dorkmas line-up featuring the amazing, the magical, the noisy, and
the cryptic:
James Larsson says...
I've got my opendork ready: "Swords into ploughshares (extreme edition)"
All welcome, no registration required. Some drinks available. Feel free to bring
your own festive refreshments.
Henry Cooke (@prehensile)
A talk about mysterious shortwave radio stations and
www.prehensile.co.uk / prehensile.github.io/talks/playful2014/
twitter: @prehensile
pixelpusher (AKA Evan Raskob)
making sound into 3D printed objects of art: sound spirals
Giles & Wiseman
Emilie Giles and Sarah Wiseman will present their work around eTextiles and
accessibility in cultural spaces, including running workshops for young visually
impaired people and creating eTextile based installations for immersive theatre.
@me_backwards @oopsohno
Tom Wyatt
How we spent a year turning a caravan into a spaceship
Tom @fridgehead / The Ship @lhsbikeshed
Berit Greinke
Electromagnetic Metatextiles: exploring experimental material manipulation
techniques to achieve periodic textile surfaces for tasks required in
Transformation Optic devices which are considered continuous and effective at
specific frequency bands.
Dan Stowell
A small project to establish some very important geofactoids about Britain
Darren Mothersele / Cyril (Live Coding Visuals)
What is live coding? where did Cyril come from? and improvised live coding
+++ Open Dorks
BONUS: The Dorkmas Puzzle (Henry you aren't allowed to enter):
Clues: cumberbatch | flowingWater | NewZealand | thisEvent
Find the question, then find the answer, then email julie@translatingnature.org
with it. First email to reach the inbox with the correct answer wins. Winner
will be announced at Dorkmas and presented with a highly covetable prize :)
==== How to get to Limehouse Town Hall: ====
NB: Unfortunately Limehouse Town Hall is not wheelchair accessible as
there are steps from the street and up to the main hall.
== By Tube: ==
Limehouse DLR from Bank or Tower Gateway
== By Bus: ==
15 from Trafalgar Sq / 115 from Aldgate /
D6 from Hackney / D3 from Bethnal Green
Beware! Google's location for E14 7HA is a bit off, it's actually
opposite where Salmon Lane joins Commercial Road, or in other words...
Get onto Commercial Road and travel East from Aldgate or Whitechapel.
Stay on Commercial Road, passing Limehouse DLR on your right (and going
under a railway bridge) and you'll see a modern red brick church also
on the right, then a boarded up library. Just over the canal you'll see
the Town Hall, with the Limehouse Hawksmoor church behind it, on the
opposite side of the road from the big metal anchor. At this point you
should get off the bus/bicycle and come ring on the "Boxing Club" bell
(The top of the 4 main buttons).