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     _               _     _             _    _                    _
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  __| |  ___   _ __ | | __| |__    ___  | |_ | |  ___   _ __    __| |  ___   _ __
 / _` | / _ \ | '__|| |/ /| '_ \  / _ \ | __|| | / _ \ | '_ \  / _` | / _ \ | '_ \
| (_| || (_) || |   |   < | |_) || (_) || |_ | || (_) || | | || (_| || (_) || | | |
 \__,_| \___/ |_|   |_|\_\|_.__/  \___/  \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| \__,_| \___/ |_| |_| #74
             "people doing strange things with electricity" since 2001
When:  19:00-22:00, Wed Mar 23 2011
Where:        (directions below)

Featuring the light and airy...


LondonDorkbot#74dorkbot London #74: Boris Bikes & blue tadpolesdorkbot London #74: leaving Centre for Creative Collaborationdorkbot London #74: Embroidered Digital Commonsdorkbot London #74: Bijlmer Eurodorkbot London #74: National Computer Museum talk

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