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\__,_| \___/ |_| |_|\_\|_.__/ \___/ \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| \__,_| \___/ |_| |_| #69
"people doing strange things with electricity" since 2001
When: 19:00-22:00, Tue May 11 2010
Where: (directions below)
Featuring the light and airy...
- Playing the building
- Misha Smith
- The Web is Agreement
- Paul Downey
An exploration of the art and technology behind enterprise
software satire exemplified by a series of Über-doodles, collectively
known as "The Web is Agreement".
Paul is a member of Osmosoft, a team of Open Source developers at BT.
- MINDtouch – Mobile Social VJing / Live Cinema Performance Engagement Tool
- Camille Baker
MINDtouch uses the mobile videophone in tandem with biosensor embedded garments as a new way to communicate non-verbally and sensually in real time, live and remotely, with participants VJing’ collaboratively, creating a visual dialogue, in more meaningful exchanges. MINDtouch involves creating a mobile telematic performance utilising a database of streamed videoclips, created by other mobile phones, then remixed and streamed back out to anyone’s phone and the internet as a live visuals performance or non-linear narrative montage.
- Variable4
Variable 4 is a 24-hour sound installation, taking place on the eery
shingle plains of Dungeness, Kent. Running from noon 22 May to noon 23
May, it uses meteorological sensors and a web of algorithmic scores to
translate the current weather conditions into new musical forms.